CMSO Fall 2016 Schedule
7th- annual Cookout Call Out for all CM Program
First Official Meeting(date): Introductory, what we are planning for the year. The officers share work experience from the summer. Members share who they are, what they are currently doing, and where they would like to go. Get insight from general members what they would like to get from CMSO.
14th Kiewit is coming to BSU-Start date for meetings
27th CM Career Fair Prep with Natalie Sanchez and guest panelists
28th CM Career Fair at the Alumni Center (by Football field)
5th-Main Meeting: Guest Speaker [Buckingham]
19th _ Second meeting: Division match up game. Match up the divisions to the project (picture and name to specs). Can do as teams. (20 minutes) Prizes included.
9th-Main Meeting: Guest Speaker [BSA LifeStructures]
7th-Main Meeting: Christmas Party!!
Colonel Webster